Who Is in the Market for the $100 ‘Trump Defeats Covid’ Commemorative Coin?
I can’t figure out who will want to buy this thing
President Trump’s doctor has said he is “not out of the woods yet”. Many infectious disease experts have weighed in on the fact that the second week is often the worse for Covid patients. But, Trump made his way out of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Monday night and is now back in the White House.
If anyone expected a humbled man who finally understood how this virus has ravaged through the country killing hundreds of thousands while many more suffer from the effects, well, then I’d say you don’t know Trump very well.
Trump marched into the White House Monday night and defiantly ripped off his mask. He’s said on Twitter, “don’t be afraid of COVID.”
And now, a $100 commemorative coin with the words “Trump Defeats Covid,” is ready for pre-order at the White House Gift Shop. Anyone else reminded of President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” banner in Afghanistan in 2003? Yeah, me too.
It should be noted that the White House Gift Shop selling this coin is not actually affiliated with the White House. They are privately owned and not a government entity.
It’s true, Trump may not be behind the commemorative coin. But with his blatant disregard of the seriousness of the virus, he’s pushing the narrative that makes the coin possible.
The question remains, will anyone buy it?
- Will the Americans that have lost jobs from shuttered businesses want to splurge $100 on a Trump Covid “victory”?
- Will the donors he possibly infected after Hope Hicks tested positive, and he had perhaps tested positive himself or was waiting for his test results? (We don’t know when he last tested negative.) We know they have the money. Are those donors scrambling to buy his coin?
- How about the over 210,000 families whose loved ones did not get an aggressive regimen of experimental drugs at the first signs of illness? The over 210,000 American families that have lost loved ones since March? Would they enjoy keeping a coin for remembrance?
- Will the Americans that have been quarantined since March and are separated from friends and loved ones enjoy this coin?
- What about grandparents that can’t hug their grandchildren? Kids that can’t see their friends at school? Families that will have a Zoom Thanksgiving this year? Will they buy the coin?
- How about you? Do you want this coin?
The White House has chosen not to contact trace the Super-Spreader Rose Garden event. Trump won’t mandate mask-wearing or even tell us to take the virus seriously. He marched into the White House last night, still contagious, but defiantly ripped off his mask.
“Don’t be afraid of COVID,” Trump says.
What he doesn’t add is, don’t be afraid of Covid, if you have the resources to be airlifted to one of the world’s greatest hospitals and given experimental treatments that aren’t available to anyone.
Yes, if you’re in that special category of one, sure, don’t be afraid. You may also hope that if you do catch Covid, the Supreme Court hasn’t taken away your health insurance yet.
Perhaps, Trump himself is the only one in the market for his $100 commemorative coin.
Jennifer Geer is a freelance writer who tries to avoid ranting-type articles. Sometimes, she can’t help herself. Follow her on Twitter, where she enjoys ranting freely.