Why Your Business Website Needs New Content
If you want your website to rank high in the Google search engine, you need to update it regularly. How often you should add to your blog depends on the size of your business.
So you’ve updated your website and it’s userfriendly and accessible. You’ve made sure it loads fast, is optimized for mobile viewing and you’ve used all of the right SEO keywords.
But you aren’t done yet, in fact, on the internet you are never done. The competition is fierce to get to the top of the Google search page. If you want your business or blog to rank up there, you need to update your website frequently.
Why you need fresh content
Google rewards those with new information. Online information changes at a rapid pace. Google prioritizes new content over old. If you create great blog posts but let them sit and age, without adding any new content, your website will not be viewed as valuable. You need to update your blog to reflect the changing world around you.
More content means more keywords. If you stuff a lot of keywords into one article or blog posting, your writing will suffer. You need well-written articles where people can find useful information. If you have several unrelated keywords or phrases that you want to target, write a different article for each set of related keywords. Then promote them separately.
Your audience will turn to you for information. If you’re keeping your website up to date with relevant information, customers will find it. You will already be on your way to building trust with them before you’ve even made contact.
How often should you add new content?
This depends on the size of your business. There are large companies that publish new information multiple times per day. Websites with large audiences and a team of contributors can get away with doing this.
Smaller to mid-size businesses can benefit from posting several times per week, or even once a week. The key here is that your content should be of high quality. It’s better to have one high-quality article published once per week than to add a poorly written keyword-stuffed article every day.
How to keep up with fresh content
You are busy running your company and it’s likely you don’t have time to blog every day or even every week. This is okay because there are plenty of cost-effective options to get high-quality fresh content onto your website.
- Invite guest posts. New freelance writers and bloggers are often looking to raise their profile. You can start looking in the comments section of your blog for people that may be interested in your company.
- Hire freelancers. You can hire freelance writers to write blog posts for you. You can find them on job boards, advertise for them on your website, or even do a Google search for content or copywriters.
- Update previous posts. You don’t always have to publish brand new content. Go a few months back into your articles and add updated information or do some rewriting on them.
- Provide monthly or weekly summaries. You can add a summary of new business updates based on how often it makes sense for your company.
Think about what you are looking for when you search on Google yourself. When you find a website with outdated information, are you likely to stay there, or click away? No matter what type of business you have, keeping your website fresh and relevant in today’s digital marketplace is key to staying competitive.
Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.